Tuesday 3 September 2024

Difference Between SOAP & REST


Difference Between SOAP & REST




Stands for 

Simple Object Access Protocol

Representational State Transfer

What is it?

SOAP is a protocol for communication between applications

REST is an architecture style for designing communication interfaces.


SOAP API exposes the operation.

REST API exposes the data.

Transport Protocol

SOAP is independent and can work with any transport protocol.

REST works only with HTTPS.

Data format

SOAP supports only XML data exchange.

REST supports XML, JSON, plain text, HTML.


SOAP messages are larger, which makes communication slower.

REST has faster performance due to smaller messages and caching support.


SOAP is difficult to scale. The server maintains state by storing all previous messages exchanged with a client.

REST is easy to scale. It’s stateless, so every message is processed independently of previous messages.


SOAP supports encryption with additional overheads.

REST supports encryption without affecting performance.

Use case

SOAP is useful in legacy applications and private APIs.

REST is useful in modern applications and public APIs.

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