Steps :
- Generate the Query in TOAD and omit the duplicates.
SELECT fu.user_name, fr.responsibility_name, furg.start_date, furg.end_date,
fu.email_address, fa.application_name, fr.responsibility_id,
fa.application_id, hou.NAME
FROM fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
fnd_profile_options fpo,
hr_operating_units hou,
fnd_responsibility_tl fr,
fnd_application_tl fa,
fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg,
fnd_user fu
WHERE fpov.profile_option_id = fpo.profile_option_id
AND fpov.application_id = fpo.application_id
AND fpo.profile_option_name = 'ORG_ID'
AND fpov.profile_option_value = TO_CHAR (hou.organization_id)
AND fpov.level_value = fr.responsibility_id
AND fa.application_id = fr.application_id
AND fpov.level_id = 10003
AND fpov.level_value = fr.responsibility_id
AND furg.user_id = fu.user_id
AND furg.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
AND furg.start_date <= NVL(:todate,sysdate)
- Copy and paste Query in the DATAQUERY>Sqlstatement in the xml template file as shown below
-<sqlStatement name="Q_COMPANY">
<![CDATA[ SELECT fu.user_name, fr.responsibility_name, furg.start_date, furg.end_date,
fu.email_address, fa.application_name, fr.responsibility_id,
fa.application_id, hou.NAME
FROM fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
fnd_profile_options fpo,
hr_operating_units hou,
fnd_responsibility_tl fr,
fnd_application_tl fa,
fnd_user_resp_groups_direct furg,
fnd_user fu
WHERE fpov.profile_option_id = fpo.profile_option_id
AND fpov.application_id = fpo.application_id
AND fpo.profile_option_name = 'ORG_ID'
AND fpov.profile_option_value = TO_CHAR (hou.organization_id)
AND fpov.level_value = fr.responsibility_id
AND fa.application_id = fr.application_id
AND fpov.level_id = 10003
AND fpov.level_value = fr.responsibility_id
AND furg.user_id = fu.user_id
AND furg.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
AND furg.start_date <= NVL(:todate,sysdate)
ORDER BY fu.user_name ]]>
Actually the XML template file has one Main Section is Data Template.
And this Data Template contains the multiple Sections. These sections are
I. Parameter
II. Lexical
III. Data Query
IV. Data Trigger
V. Data Structure
And for each section there will be a start and end. Eg. <Parameter> -- it is start of the section.
</Parameter> -- It is an end of the section
Parameter section
In this section we declare all the parameters as shown below :
<parameters> -- Starting of the Paramerter Section
<parameter name="P_TITLE" dataType="character" />
<parameter name="P_ACTIVE_INACTIVE" dataType="character" />
<parameter name="P_COA_ID" dataType="number" />
<parameter name="P_CATEGORY_FROM" dataType="character" />
<parameter name="P_CATEGORY_TO" dataType="character" />
<parameter name="P_LOCATION" dataType="character" />
<parameter name="P_ORDERBY" dataType="character" />
<parameter name="P_ORDERBY_CAT" dataType="character" />
</parameters> -- END of the Paramerter Section
In this section we declare all the lexical parameters as shown below :
<lexical type="" name="P_FLEX_CAT" comment="Category" application_short_name="INV" id_flex_code="MCAT" id_flex_num=":P_COA_ID" multiple_id_flex_num="N" code_combination_table_alias="mca" segments="ALL" show_parent_segments="N" output_type="VALUE" />
<lexical type="oracle.apps.fnd.flex.kff.where" name="P_WHERE_CAT" comment="Flexfield Filter" application_short_name="INV" id_flex_code="MCAT" id_flex_num=":P_COA_ID" code_combination_table_alias="mca" segments="ALL" operator="BETWEEN" operand1=":P_CATEGORY_FROM" operand2=":P_CATEGORY_TO" />
<lexical type="oracle.apps.fnd.flex.kff.order_by" name="P_ORDERBY_CAT" comment="Flexfield Order By" application_short_name="INV" id_flex_code="MCAT" id_flex_num=":P_COA_ID" code_combination_table_alias="mca" segments="ALL" show_parent_segments="N" />
Data Query
This is the section where we write the sql query as shown below. In this section we have one more section which is known as SqlStatement section where actually sql statement is written.
- <sqlStatement name="Q_COMPANY">
- <![CDATA[
SELECT c_company
, fsp.inventory_organization_id c_organization_id
, gsb.currency_code GL_CURRENCY
, gsb.chart_of_accounts_id STRUCTURE_ACC
, mdv.structure_id STRUCTURE_CAT
, mdv.category_set_id c_category_set_id
, flo1.meaning c_yes
, flo2.meaning c_no
FROM gl_sets_of_books gsb
, financials_system_parameters fsp
, mtl_default_sets_view mdv
, fnd_lookups flo1
, fnd_lookups flo2
WHERE gsb.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
AND mdv.functional_area_id = 2
AND flo1.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
AND flo1.lookup_code = 'Y'
AND flo2.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
AND flo2.lookup_code = 'N'
And for multiple sql quries you can have multiple sections with in the one DATA Query section only as shown below :
- <dataQuery>
- <sqlStatement name="Q_COMPANY">
- <![CDATA[
SELECT c_company
, fsp.inventory_organization_id c_organization_id
, gsb.currency_code GL_CURRENCY
, gsb.chart_of_accounts_id STRUCTURE_ACC
, mdv.structure_id STRUCTURE_CAT
, mdv.category_set_id c_category_set_id
, flo1.meaning c_yes
, flo2.meaning c_no
FROM gl_sets_of_books gsb
, financials_system_parameters fsp
, mtl_default_sets_view mdv
, fnd_lookups flo1
, fnd_lookups flo2
WHERE gsb.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
AND mdv.functional_area_id = 2
AND flo1.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
AND flo1.lookup_code = 'Y'
AND flo2.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
AND flo2.lookup_code = 'N'
- <sqlStatement name="Q_AGENTS">
- <![CDATA[
SELECT hre.full_name buyer
, hrl.location_code location
, to_char(poa.start_date_active,'DD-MON-YY') start_date
, to_char(poa.end_date_active,'DD-MON-YY') end_date
,decode(INSTR(&P_FLEX_CAT,'may be inconsistent',1),0,&P_FLEX_CAT,null) FLEX_CAT
FROM po_agents poa
, hr_locations hrl
, hr_employees hre
, mtl_categories mca
WHERE poa.agent_id = hre.employee_id
AND poa.category_id = mca.category_id (+)
AND nvl(poa.location_id,-1) = hrl.location_id (+)
AND nvl(hrl.location_code,'~') =
decode(:P_LOCATION, null, nvl(hrl.location_code,'~'), :P_LOCATION)
AND sysdate >= nvl(poa.start_date_active,sysdate - 1)
AND sysdate < nvl(poa.end_date_active,sysdate + 1))
AND (sysdate < nvl(poa.start_date_active,sysdate - 1)
OR sysdate >= nvl(poa.end_date_active,sysdate + 1))))
Data Trigger
This is section where we mention the report triggers. The report triggers are
- beforeParameterform
- afterParameterform
- beforeReport
- betweenPages
- afterReport
If you want to use the triggers in the XML report then you have to write an procedure in a package and then you have declare as below.
<dataTrigger name="beforeReport" source="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.before_report" />
Data Structure
In this section we map the template (.rtf) names with the query column names as shown below :
If you have the groups in it then you have to start a group section and also once the columns are mentioned then close the group section.
<element name="TITLE" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_title" />
<element name="ACTINACTIVE" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_active_inactive" />
<element name="CATEGORYFROM" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_category_from" />
<element name="CATEGORYTO" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_category_to" />
<element name="LOCATION" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_location" />
<element name="ORDERBY" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_orderby" />
<element name="REPORTDATE" value="XXBI_POXAGLST_PKG.get_report_date" />
- <group name="G_COMPANY" source="Q_COMPANY">
<element name="C_COMPANY" value="C_COMPANY" />
<element name="GL_CURRENCY" value="GL_CURRENCY" />
- <group name="G_AGENTS" source="Q_AGENTS">
<element name="BUYER" value="BUYER" />
<element name="LOCATION" value="LOCATION" />
<element name="FLEX_CAT" value="FLEX_CAT" />
<element name="START_DATE" value="START_DATE" />
<element name="END_DATE" value="END_DATE" />
And lastly you have to close the datatemplate section as this </dataTemplate>
- Save that file as .xml on desktop.
- Transfer the file to the Database through the Binary Option to the Corresponding application Folder.
- Go to Apps
- Define Concurrent Program
Navigate to System Administrator>concurrent>program>define
Method : Java Concurrent Program (Common for all the XML BI Publisher programs)
Output Format XML as shown in the below screen
If Parameter exists then
- Attach the concurrent program to request group.
Navigate to System Administrator>Security>Responsibility>Request
Press F11
Enter Group -- GL Concurrent Program Group
Press Ctrl+F11
Click at the Request> Type
And click new( ) one new column is created and their enter as below
Type Name Application
Program XXXX Users Responsibilities Report Custom Application
Save it.
- Submit the concurrent program view the output an save as .xml.
This .xml file is used when we create the template. At that time we load the data and preview the output.
- Open an Word and draw an template as shown below or as per the provided format.
User Responsibilities Report
Circle/Location Name
Application Name
Responsibility Name
User ID
Email ID
Start Date
End Date
And save as XX_USERRESP.rtf
F_ON click and then enter <?for-each:G_USER_NAME?>
This is used to print all the records. Just like (cursor for loop)
E_ON click and then enter <?end for-each?>
It shows the end of the record.(in cursor end for loop)
And for each column Name below you have enter as below
Circle/Location Name NAME to get this you have select the ab which was shown in below screen.
To get that tool in your header you have right click on the header task bar and select Forms as shown in the below screen.
In this way you have to repeat for all the columns. Then save with .rtf extension.
- Go to Oracle Applications
Navigate to XML Publisher Administrator>Data Definition
Click Create Data Definition
Attach the .xml file at the Data Template.
Please Enter the details as mentioned in the below screen.
- Navigate to XML Publisher Administrator>Template
Click Create Template
Please Enter the details as mentioned in the below screen.
And attach the .rtf file at File section and also
Language – English
Territory – United States
And also you can specify the output format here. Which is the LOV where you can have excel
nice document